Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I was bummed Halloween was on a Sunday this year! I felt like we were all rushing the kids to eat fast and even trick or treat quickly. We kept our same Halloween routine... dinner at the Gallahue's then off to the trunk or treat and the church up the street. It is literally a God send, seems silly cause it is only Halloween, but there are very few young families in our neighborhood (this year someone actually put up a sign that said "no treats here,"... if you can believe that) so that is were they get all their loot. They also have face painting, popcorn, pizza, several games and jumpers, so all the kids have a great time! Hope everyone is in a candy fill haze and had a wonderful night. I feel like this time of year goes by so quickly, when October hits I feels as if Christmas is literally right around the corner! We will post more soon!

Brown Park festival

This year the festival was out of control. We have been the last four years and it is steadily becoming a fast growing tradition for many families. The girls did great and waited 45 minutes to trick or treat through the park. After all that, they played a couple of games and jump on a couple jump jumps and we headed of to McDonald's for lunch...in the words of Sophia "I wish every day could be like this!"

Huber's 2010

Uncle Lucas is special so he rides in the back!

The girls are obsessed with animals...I am not a fan. Therefore as of yet we have no pets at home, but that will soon change!

Sophia loves the mountain and slide and rode it several times while her poor aunt Amber stood and watched being 8 months pregnant... she was a trooper! Little Ashlyn still needs daddy still to go with her down the long slide.

Next year Baby Brock will join us, but this is his first official trip.

Ashlyn has the cutest smile... she makes me laugh! We all had a long day. Between the hayride, pumpkin picking, eating, the discovery center, petting zoo and all the little slides and things we were all exhausted. Needless to say I am thankful Ashlyn still takes a nap!

Halloween at the Zoo

Here is the zoo the crew! It was an unusually hot October night so the kids wear all overheated and needed water breaks just to trick or treat...ridiculous. The characters at the zoo are hysterical, but this year the Harry Potter gang took the cake as you can see in the pic above.

The Mustangs

Sophia did more goal chatting then tending this year. Toby was at her side to tell her when it was time to pay attention.
Ashlyn spent the soccer season eating gum and gummies from the sideline.

Sophia along with her other fellow kindergarten's played soccer for the St. Margaret Mary Mustangs. Don't let the pics fool you...she spent most of her time complaining about being sweaty and wondering "how much longer" she had to play. She did manage to kick the ball midway into the season and it was after Toby gave her a speech about letting the soccer monster come out!