Monday, February 23, 2009


Here are my favorite pics from Ashlyn's 6 month photo shoot. Here she is above in her Baptismal gown. It is gorgeous...Sophia wore it first and now little Ashlyn has had a chance to wear it. I love having all these keepsakes for them. I hope one day their children will have a chance to wear this on their special day.

Ashlyn, your seven months old and you change so much everyday. You have teeth starting to come through, try to hold your bottle and get easier by the day. And although, I realize you are still a baby, I can't help but think someday soon you will big like your sister ...and will not need me as much any more. When I look at Sophia I feel like she's all grown up. So I can't imagine how I will feel when you both leave me for college. I realize that time is atleast 15 years from now, but I never want you girls to leave. What would you think about Mommy coming to school with you? I always thought I would be one of those cool moms, but I am afraid to say, I will be the mom crying all the way to the car after we drop you off and the mom who blows up your dorm phone every day just to see what you have been up to. And I am sure your Daddy will be there to tell me to get a hold of myself, and that I am just being completely crazy.
Speaking of Daddy. I know that you love me, but it is very apparent you are a daddy's girl. From the moment he comes home from work and you hear his voice, you start turning and looking for where he may be. And I feel everyday is the same and when I close my eyes I can see it...he comes in the room, he looks at you and you look at him and for a moment you are caught in this exchange of "hello". No words are said, of course, just you both staring at each other with the same crooked smile, big blue eyes and a wild mange of hair. It's as if you both have some deep connection and I am the odd man out. I will bet that your first word will be da-da...although, I secretly pray it will be ma-ma. (I feel that is the least I can get for all the day to day stuff I do.) Your daddy acts like he is not affected by your sweet face and amazement with him, but I can see through him. His hardened exterior starts to softened and his smile seems somehow different when he looks at you.
We love you girls with everything we have. I hope this love always brings you home to us and one day, when your all grown up and move away, I hope you can close your eyes and see what I see today.
XOXO... Daddy and Mommy

Friday, February 6, 2009

Snow Storm 09'

The weather has been a complete nightmare! And worst of all school was canceled for a week. You would not think 6 hours a week of her being away at school makes a difference, but Sophia drove me nuts the whole week. Thank the good lord, our power stayed on. It flickered off and on a couple of times and every time I thought...this is it. But" it" never happened.

She begged me everyday to go outside, but I never bought a snow suit or boots and it was 10 degrees outside. She had to wait until the end of my work week to get some snow boots to go out and play. I must a put 4 layers on her, and although her face was neon pink and she was soaked, she played outside at least 1 hour each day. What a trooper!
My Matilda Jane girls. I am a Matilda Jane addict. Ashlyn is just now big enough to fit in the clothes...they start at 12 months. They will be knocking them dead this summer.

No hats for us, thanks!

Ashlyn is not a hat girl. Sophia looks gorgeous in baseball hats, cowboy hats, princess name it, she can pull it off. Ashlyn... not so much. (Just ignore the massive amounts of drool on her shirt!)
Cute pic, but the hat is not her. Hopefully, she can wear a bow with no problem.
I think she looks hysterical...I would never let her go in public with a hat on.

I may not be rolling over, but...

I love to shove all kinds of things in my mouth.
I spend a lot of alone time with mommy. (She has figured out if she does not sleep around Sophia's nap schedule...she get all the attention.)
I am sitting up with little support. It is short lived and I fall every 10 seconds, but I am getting the hang of it.
I am still sitting...

Taste of Harvey Browne

The motto "no good deed goes unpunished" needs to be engraved on my headstone. Every single time I attempt to help someone...disaster strikes. I volunteered to make the Derby Platter for Sophia's Preschool Fundraiser. Didn't think it would take a total of 10 hours to complete. Not to mention the stupid thing is crooked. I will probable have to buy it at the Auction...I do not think anyone would pay a 100 dollars for it.
Here the it is from afar...see what I mean about it being crooked!