Friday, May 1, 2009


My favorite pics from her 9 month photo shoot.

Ashlyn, you are no longer the little baby that will sit contently in my arms. You are so eager to explore the world around you. You are constantly wiggling and squirming for me to let you down...and when I do, you scoot all over the place. I am always pulling you out from under the couch or the coffee table. You are also very fond of you sister's toys, which has caused you to take a few blows from big will be lucky to survive until your first birthday.
You are an early bird just like your daddy... thank goodness Sophia inherited my gene of sleeping late. So every morning I peel my body out of bed go to your bedside at 6:30am, and see your beautiful smiling face. I just sigh and think to myself... here's to another long day with two crazy girls. And although your sister drives me crazy and we are hitting some growing pains, I wouldn't change this time in my life for the world.
I have everything I have ever wanted. And although I am not happy all day everyday...I am happy for the day and the chance for me to be the mom you both deserve. I love you girls so much and just want you to know that even though sometimes I scream, yell and my bucket of patience runs dry...I am happy and grateful for every day.

Little Ashlyn

She is so sweet, squishy and adorable.
She eats everything-plastic bags, diapers, pencils, spoons and whatever else is laying around.
She gives smile only to a certain few. She appears to be very selective when it comes to her" in crowd".
Ashlyn wants desperately to crawl and even stand. Toby does better at working with her with standing. I just never thought she could do it, so I never tried... but once again I am wrong, and although she is not very steady, she is standing.
I love this picture! I took this at Sophia's first soccer game when he took a turn holding the baby. So sweet...she loves her daddy.

Pegasus Parade

I joined the Zaboronaks at the Pegasus was a first for the girls and I. The weather was insane, very, very,windy. It was so windy the inflatable had to be taken down, so they pretty much just saw a lot of bands and horses. I do not know if I am a parade kinda girl.
The start of the parade.

Kelly Monoarchs

We started soccer this month. She is a Kelly Monarch and plays with a couple of kids from her Preschool class . We lucked into a good team, and although she has only kicked the ball total of 5 times, thus far, we are kill'em. They do not keep score, but I do and they are 2-0.
She had to have a pink ball to match her cleats. Who taught her about matching?
She looks happy here, but has said she "doesn't want to play anymore", every drives me crazy because she has asked me to enroll her forever. We have already had the talk about the Young's not being quitters.