Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Destin 2010 cont...

Destin 2010 cont...

We all really had a great time and enjoyed our time together...we look forward to many more vacations together and to a new cousin we will meet this December!

Sophia's Dance Recital

Sophia's year of dance is finally over. She had her Recital the first weekend in June and she did wonderful! I was so proud of her...during her rehearsal she kind of kept looking around at the other girls, but the day of I thought she really shined. I think she was on her game because her best friend Chris came just to watch her dance. Thank you for all our family support that day...we really appreciate you joining us for her special day!

Summer has started!

The pic above was taken at Sophia's class picnic on her last week of Preschool. Since then, we have been planning her the next step of her big girl life...kindergarten. We have been to orientation and registration and have received so much info it could make you head spin. I can't believe in a few short months my baby will start school.

I will soak up my time with this little one this summer because she also will have huge changes come the fall. She will start Mother's day out twice a week for only about 8 hours per week, but that's a lot when she has been my little buddy for two full years.