Sunday, October 14, 2007

Halloween Preview

We attended the Wessel Insurace Company's annual Halloween Party. This is the first year we brought Sophia because we normally stay until after her bedtime, but she is able to stay awake later so she made her pumpkin debut! She kept her costume on the whole night until we made her change! She ate cookies and candy for dinner followed by lots of Sprite. She was in heaven.
With so many things to do, this is my favorite time of year. We will post more at Halloween!

Happy Fall!

Fall is here and the weather is finally cooperating. We decided to take our annual trip to Huber's Family Farm. We had a great day!

Sophia loved her pony ride with "Isabelle". She laughed and laughed so we fully expect her to ask for a pony at some point.
We bought more than 10 handfuls of animal feed and Sophia really got a kick out of the animals licking her hands, the baby goats head butting each other, and she even managed to hug a few of the larger animals as they tried to take the food away from her.

She drove a tractor with a little help from mom's foot (her legs were to short to reach the pedal.) She refused to let me steer so we ended up in the fence a few times.
She finished the day jumping with daddy on the "big balloon".