Sunday, September 28, 2008

Balloon Glow 2008

Mark, Laura and I took the kids to the balloon glow. What a workout, but we had a good time. I am still trying to learn how to use my camera. It took me forever to get a shot that was not so dark. Now if I can just figure out how to keep it from looking blurry.

"I get by with a little help from my friends!"

The girls and I at the Balloon Glow.

Poor Ashlyn. I think she is always thinking "now where are they taking me?"
Mark and Laura, thank you for all your help. Now more then ever it is hard to go out and have a good time with both babies. You all are always there to lend a hand or ask if I need anything-even though your hands are full.

Tiny bubbles

To be young again-all your troubles seem to float away like tiny little bubbles in the wind. They had such a good time. I got Sophia the bubble gun at the Balloon Glow. Well to be honest, daddy gave her the money to buy it. And I am proud to say she shared with all her friends with out having to be threatened.

All these smiling faces

Whenever we all decide to do something, I think we always forget how it may somehow end up. By the end I am usually exhausted, sweaty and in need of a glass of wine. But when I see these smiling faces, I would do it all over again. P.S. I think Drew is smiling while he eats his second burger.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Boys

It's is so wonderful to see you boys so happy and healthy. You did not get to cook all the way and came out two months early. I always worried for your parents because they seemed so relaxed-they obviously had better intuition. You guys are so different. Nick you are my Godson so I have to be a little partial. You were my favorite to feed as a newborn-very low maintenance. I think you are so funny and definitely the complainer of the bunch and we all know so am I-we are so well matched!
Oh Chris! You hated me as a baby, and I can say you were not my favorite either. And I always would ask your mom to let me feed someone else. You had that ridiculous apnea machine alarming constantly and you ate soooooo slow. To see you now I am in amazement. The runt of the litter and also known as peanut to your mom and dad-I did not know how well you would do. Now here you are today full of life, sharp as a tack and the comedian of the bunch. I am so glad you and Sophia are such good buddies, and I look forward to watching you grow.
Drew, Drew, Drew. So laid back. I rarely got to feed you as a baby because everyone else always got to you first, but that did not keep you from vomiting on me multiple times. You are so sweet and a momma's boy. I love the little nudges you give me when you want to say hello! And don't love those disappearing acts. My prediction for your future occupation is a Ninja or David Copperfield like act.
Boys- always remember your parents wanted, dreamed and wished for you. And when I see you all together, I know that dreams do come true!

2 out of 4 ain't bad!

We took all of them on this big jumper slide. Sophia goes first and lands perfect.
Chris is the number 2 racer and he also comes down perfect.
Drew crashed and burned.
And Nicholas followed suit! They are hysterical.

Jessika's Married!

Jessika's rehearsal dinner was such a great time! It was fun to see the girls and catch up with everyone. I wish I would have payed a little more attention at the church instead of running my mouth (some things never change), I made a little woops on the wedding day- hopefully no one noticed.
Jessika you were the most beautiful bride!
Jess, there were so many more things I could have said in my toast, but I did not want your guests to fall asleep. I am so thankful we met and became friends-it has been a great ride. I do not have a single memory without you in it!
Congrats Patty Poo and Jess, you guys are the perfect pair. I wish you all the health and happiness a life can bring. And of course a honeymoon with no rain! Love you guys.

My new earrings

Ashlyn 's ears are pierced. She looks just gorgeous. I googled when is the earliest she could get them pierced and found my answer on some mom blogspot. There were psychotic emails from people, not to me, but to the brave soul who dared to ask the question on the blogspot. They called her Lynn Spears (Britney Spears mom) and wrote a bunch of other wacko comments. And I thought whew!- Glad she asked first.
My beautiful babies.
A rare moment in our household. Sophia loves to hold Ashlyn, but no sooner she is in her arms you hear Sophia say"all done!" That is my cue to take the baby back.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ashlyn is 2 months old!

What a difference a month makes. In the first month there is constant feeding, changing, and crying. In the second month all those things still apply, but with a bonus-a heart warming smile. It is so wonderful and rewarding when they develop a social smile.
Ashlyn is very different than Sophia as a baby. Sophia would stay under the Baby Einstein play mat for at least 20 minutes staring at the flashing lights and listening to the music. Ashlyn on the other hand has no interest and can only stand about 5 minutes of lights and sound before she makes her own music to let us know she wants up. I don't know yet if this difference is good or bad, but I can't wait to find out.
Another beautiful smile!
Both girls love the bath. Sophia always plays with all her toys while Ashlyn just looks around taking it all in. Believe it or not there is no crying, so bath time is wonderful and very peaceful for me.
Happy 2 month birthday Ashlyn! I feel blessed to be your mom and find my self always wondering about you. Will you be like your sister or a complete opposite? Will you be laid back like Daddy or high strung like Mommy? I am impatiently waiting for the answers to all the questions I have in my mind. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. We love you!

"I do believe in fairies!"

Included in Sophia's dress up trunk from her birthday is a fairy costume. She calls Peter Pan the "pirate movie" and loves Tinkerbell. Every time she watches it she needs her fairy wings and wand. I think this night I even let her sleep with them on.

"Mike TV"

Toby calls Sophia "Mike TV." In case you don't know Mike-he is the kid that is addicted to TV in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. She has the memory of an elephant and can recall parts of every movie she watches. It is amazing how much useless information we let her absorb.