Friday, August 3, 2007

I can't believe it's August, summer is almost over! We have had a busy schedule between get togethers, school, gymanstics, the zoo and the pool. I feel like all we have done is go, go, go! We went out to eat with the Zaboronaks, they have a daughther named Samantha who is about 8 months older than Sophia, but they had a great playdate as you can see!

We have had a full month of being two and it has been interesting! She refuses to smile for photos.

This summer has been so mild we go to the zoo about once a week. She loves the carousel, although I find it nauseating! Usually Toby take her, but he had to work this day.

Who would have thought monkey's wear bright yellow bows in their hair!

Everyone enjoy the rest of Summer 07! I will update as I get more pics!