Monday, April 12, 2010

Our sleeping beauties

Sophia loves to lay with Ashlyn in her crib. They are so adorable and soon Ashlyn will have her own big girl bed and both of my babies will be big girls...I don't think I will know what to do!

All about my baby "Ashlyn"

Ashyn is getting to be my big girl. She can swing on a big girl swing all by herself and I can hardly believe in just a few short months my baby will be 2! It seems like only yesterday I was telling Sophia she would be a big sister. And yet here we are moving right along, rolling over turned into sitting up which turned into crawling which progressed into walking and now to the cutest run I have ever is a combination of skipping and running. Every time she starts to run I start to smile...I have caught Toby with the same smile as he watches her run around and I can only imagine he thinks the same as did you get so cute and where has all the time gone?

Cincinnati Childrens Museum

Samantha trying to concentrate on making a basket with her little ball.
The girls playing together at the ball area.
I find pure happiness when the girls play nice together...those moments are few and far between. I am hoping they both get better as they get older... in the mean time I will deal with the hair pulling and's to hoping for more happiness in my near future!

Cincinnati Childrens Museum cont...

Little Nate thinking about going to play.
Ashlyn getting soaked in the water works area.

All the kids seem to have a great time together. There were a few moments of tears... but, they were soon replaced by smiles and laughter. I wish that Louisville had something like the children's museum in Cinci...we would go everyday! What a great way to start Spring break.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Easter came and went so fast this year. Toby and the truckshow seem to consume so much of the week before. Ashlyn would not cooperate for photos this year...should I dare say she is already into terrible two's.

The girls and I together after church...the pic with the girls and Toby consisted of Sophia crying and Ashlyn trying to squirm and wiggle from his grasp so, it ended up looking as if he was abusing them.
We went to church, ate brunch at Wild Eggs and then came home to let the girls hunt for their Easter baskets. No Easter egg hunt his year...promised myself I would do better next year!

Early Spring

We have have been loving the weather. Our day consist of preschool, playing outside, lunch...more playing outside, then naps, dinner and you guessed it...more playing outside.
Ashlyn is getting so big, but thank goodness I can still see baby in her. She still has those same gorgeous dimples, crinkled nose when she laughs and a beautiful face...what can I say we are in love! The one thing I love about spring and summer is ice cream! Below is a pic of Ashlyn after eating her first ice cream in a cone.

Our little bunny

Ashlyn has enjoyed wearing here bunny ears this year...she normally is wearing them backwards.
She could be the cutest bunny ever!
Easter here we come!