The lodge has a story hour and the same time every night and afterwards this beautiful snow falls from the ceiling. I love watching all the kids amazement and excitement as they tried to catch it.
Sophia trying to catch the snow. At one point she came it me in tears and said " I did not get to catch any snow!" So I had to hold her up in the air where she could get above all the other kids to get her own handful of snow.
Ashlyn is so cute. She loves other kids and kept bothering these two little girls. They were kind to her and politely kept telling her to hush during the story and she was shrieking and shaking her head... as she does when she is deep in a conversation with someone. At the end of the story she started to scream and clapp...I could just eat her up.
Our girls watching the story was such a serene and precious moment. Although they are few and far between I will take them as they come to remind myself at the end of the day we are family and love each other dearly. After the long day we had it was back to the room where Mimi, Daddy and I tried desperately to get the girls down for bed. In the end Mimi fell asleep, Ashlyn laid between out beds shrieking until she fell asleep and Daddy with Sophia slept on the smallest couch I had ever seen. What you do for your kids!
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